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ADS HOLCOMBE Acknowledge Wikipedia for the following information
Holcombe is a village of the Metropolitan Borough of Bury, in Greater Manchester, England. Historically part of Lancashire, it is situated south of Haslingden, east of Edgworth, west of Ramsbottom, and north of Tottington. Holcome Moor, to the north of Peel Tower, looking east. Holcome Moor, to the north of Peel Tower, looking east. The village is located on the slopes of Harcles Hill (known by locals as Holcombe Hill). Much of the moorland around the village is in the care of the National Trust and is popular with walkers, cyclists and bird watchers. The buildings in the area are made up predominantly of stone cottages and farms. There is a public house called the 'Shoulder of Mutton' which has now closed, a restaurant, church and primary school. At one time the village also had a shop, post office, a lock-up, and a regular bus service linking it to Holcombe Brook, a neighbouring village in the valley bottom one mile to the south. Holcombe is the home of the Holcombe Hunt. This pack of foxhounds, which has been kennelled at Holcombe for over 200 years, is one of the oldest in the country. The Hunt was granted a Coat of Arms in 1985 the motto being "Hunting and conserving". Holcombe also gives its name to an Annual Gamecock Show, held on New Year's Day in Ramsbottom. Since 1973 Holcombe has been home to Darul Uloom Al-Arabiyyah Al-Islamiyyah, the first Darul uloom in the UK.